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Found 12001 results for any of the keywords a definition. Time 0.007 seconds.
What is a Definition of Sustainability? | Green City TimesHow do you define sustainability? Green City Times offers a definition; one that includes renewable energy, mass transit, green building, and four other topics.
Glossary | now has an online dictionary (glossary). You can use this dictionary to quickly look up a definition or explanation for a topic. Get started by clicking on the letter your word begins wit
What is a service-level agreement (SLA)? | Definition from TechTargetIn a business world based on cloud computing, it's crucial that organizations establish thorough service-level agreements with providers. Learn how.
Definition of fusionalfusional - Of a language, words use a single morpheme to define multiple grammatical features.
What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationSince 1983, developing the free Unix style operating system GNU, so that computer users can have the freedom to share and improve the software they use.
Definition of chrometophobiachrometophobia - Chrometophobia is when a person has a persistent and constant irrational fear of money which includes touching money too.
Sexual Assault - launch a claim for compensationA definition of forms of sexual assault and advice on first steps to take to launch a claim for compensation.
Alcohol Problems Bottled UpYou are probably looking for a definition of alcohol problems to use as leverage to get your drinker to change. Let us show you a better more effective way.
VECTOR ART - A definition with toolsVector artwork is a term that describes any art made with vector illustration software like Adobe Illustrator. Vector artwork is built from vector graphics, which are images created with mathematical formulas.
Society Archives — KonsyseThe term “information literacy” first appeared in 1974 in a report published by the former National Commission on Libraries and […]
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